Footy Finals – The Hard Yards Are Yet To Come!

Depending on the injury, having a period where you are not required to train twice a week and play on the weekend gives you a great opportunity to address specific…

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The Ashes

The Ashes Now that’s out of the way, when I was asked to write a piece related to the Ashes, I felt like I was walking into a minefield, being…

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Wimbledon A Smash Hit In London

With all of the hype and excitement building to a fever pitch, let’s take a closer look at one of the oldest and most loved tournaments on the tour. The…

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Is The Tour De France Inspiring You?

Allez! Allez! Allez! With this year looking like it’s going to be one of the most hotly contested yellow jersey for years, it always inspires us wannabes to get out…

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