Pure Physio Blog

Week 10: Great Ocean Road Running Festival 2017

Published on
01 May 2017

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The Great Ocean Road Runs would have to be one of the most picturesque races in the world. The scenery is a welcome distraction to the challenge of the course, which climbs 167m of elevation. Before you take off from the start line take a moment to have a read and get an understanding of the course profile. This will help you to pace your race and provide some optimism that the rolling hills will start rolling more downhill then up hill as the race continues.



The Start

The race starts off with a bang from the flat of Kennet River and straight up to your first climb – it is not long but relatively steep and does tend to sort out the bunch pretty quickly! The next 7km are rolling hills with your biggest climb at about the 4.5km mark. The next 3km provide some welcome relief and allows you to get into a good rhythm as you head into the second half of the race. There are 2 drink stations in the first 10km, which are essential for maintaining fluid balance throughout the race so make sure you monitor the amount of fluid you take on board.


The Middle

At around the 10km a small flurry of rolling hills sets in again for the next 5km but not reaching the same vertical elevation as experienced earlier in the race. Phew! The end of the hills will be greeted with another drink station as you roll into the rather pleasant last 8km of the race. The lack of hills is a welcome relief but fatigue is well and truly setting in and you will begin to relish the support of the locals who sporadically line the road. Locals are renown for creating drink stations of there own and handing out lolly snakes to needy runners. Others are armed with their garden hose to help keep you cool as the sun starts to warm up.


The End

At the 21.1km mark you will run under the official half marathon timer. This does not signal the end of the race but allows you to have both a half marathon time and an overall race time. You will have just under 2km to go with crowds lining the streets to welcome the runners into Apollo Bay.


We’re Here to Help!

So don’t skip on the hill training and keep up the steady long runs to keep you on track in the lead up to the big race, and remember, we’re always here to help! If you’re feeling a bit tight and need some release work then come in and see us at one of our CBD locations! For a map of the route head to the Great Ocean Road Running Festival website!


Week 10: From the 1st of May

Tuesday – Fartlek/Interval

– Warm up 15mins (3km)
– 6 x 3mins (60 secs recovery)
– Cool Down (3km)

= 10km

Thursday – Fartlek/Interval

– Easy 8km jog

= 8km

Saturday – Hills/Tempo

– Warm up 10mins (2km)
– 8 x 2mins runs (Anderson St Hill- The Tan) (jog recovery)
– Cool Down (3km)

= 8km

Sunday Long Run

– 19km

= 19km

Total kms = 45km for week 10!

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