Pure Physio Blog

Remedial Massage Therapy For Walking And Running Events

Published on
24 Feb 2015

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Want better training outcomes and better results on your running/walking event?? Here’s how to achieve them with Pure Physio’s Remedial Massage team. 

Two big running/walking events of our late summer are just about to peek over the horizon and remind you that you need to be training harder or that you’re already a little behind!

The Oxfam Trailwalker (in early April) and the Gatorade Triathlon Series (Race 3 on 15 Feb, Race 4 and 5 in March).

It’s probably timely to mention how important it is for the committed athlete (no matter what your capacity) to be as prepared as you can be for these events! That means the right gear, the right shoes (see Preparing your feet for the Oxfam Trailwalker), being well fuelled, well prepped and trained up to endure the event. Equally important, however, is that your muscles are relaxed, supple, stretched and at their optimum length.

How can you achieve this?

Stretching, using your foam roller (check back next week for an article by physiotherapist Emma Lee on foam rolling!) doing proper warm ups and cool downs and most importantly… incorporating Remedial Massage into your routine!

Hard working muscles get shorter as they contract with the constant repetitive training or general ‘day to day’ activity you’ve been putting them through. Without proper stretching, foam rolling and proper warm-ups and cool-downs you are very likely to suffer from muscular soreness and a decrease in your general range of motion and flexibility.  Muscular strength and stamina can also be impaired and in the more acute stages, painful knots and muscular congestion can and will invariably occur. In order to avoid and muscular sore spots and congestion (or treat it if it does arise) you really need to incorporate remedial massage therapy into your training routine.

How often do I need Remedial Massage?

As a general rule, depending largely on your level of activity, your body will benefit greatly from a remedial treatment once every four weeks. We recommend visiting a physio fortnightly as your pre-event training intensifies (circa six weeks out from the event). We also strongly advise a pre-event sports massage one to two days before the event, which is typically a treatment session focused on assisted stretching to ensure muscles are at their optimum length before you hit the track.  Two-to-three days after the event you should have another sports massage to check for injury and to clear any soreness and muscular congestion so you’ll make a speedy recovery.

Further Questions?

If you are unsure on what Remedial Massage treatment you may need to perform at your very best, the friendly staff at Pure Physio are always ready to help and can answer any questions you may have on pre and post training and event treatments.

Enjoy your training and we’ll look forward to seeing you soon!

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