Throwing, there is more to it than you think!

Bruce presented on ‘The throwing shoulder and elbow’. Throwing is a key part of many sports including baseball, netball, basketball, cricket, waterpolo, which each require a slightly different technique. And…

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How To Structure Your Cycling Strength Program

The way strengthening programs are structured is called periodisation, essentially a structured annual plan with changing training variables over time in order to maximise training adaptations and performance. The most…

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The Masters Runner

So why are so many continuing to run well into their 40’s and beyond? To put it simply; running is enjoyable, addictive, a stress reliever from work and personal life,…

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RunTips: Your Hips Don’t Lie!

Bramah et. all (2018) studied if there were specific characteristics of an injured runners technique compared to non-injured runners. They found that injured runners were more likely to demonstrate the…

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Exercising During and After Pregnancy

Another important topic that was discussed was exercise during pregnancy. Research suggests that pregnant women without contraindications should aim to meet the prescribed physical activity guidelines for adults aged 18-64…

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