5 Great Walks near Melbourne
These 5 walks within a day trip of Melbourne are a great way to admire the beauty of the Victorian landscape and breathe in some fresh air. WHO recommends 150…
A usual preseason for a sport like AFL is structured in a specific way that allows you to gradually (over approximately 3 months) build up your endurance, speed, agility and…
Many people are enjoying an improved work life balance and focusing more on self care. At Pure Physio we have been seeing a different proportion of injuries to what we…
Workstation setup and posture is important, and so is activity. Many people are increasing their daily walking which is fantastic to see. In addition, here is a quick series of…
If you are an avid golfer like my neighbour, you have probably been putting, pitching and chipping your way around the house in between Zoom Meetings over the last 7…
I’m sure you have noticed a huge influx in the number of people running in the parks and on the streets as a result of all our gyms closing. The…
You may have noticed the bike paths are more crowded than usual with cyclists ranging from families strolling along the many trails throughout Melbourne to the weekend warriors dusting off…
Pure Physio acknowledges that in order to achieve a patients best outcome, the key to success is a thorough, detailed, and thoughtful assessment. We take an hour to ensure we…
It has been another busy week at Pure Physio, both in the clinic, via Zoom and with home visits. Getting to see clients in their home environment and assisting them…